About this website

  • This company reserves the right to change or remove the information presented on this website at any time without notice.
  • While this company has taken the utmost care regarding the information presented on this website, no guarantee is made whatsoever regarding whether the information is correct, useful, appropriate, or updated in a timely manner.
  • This company shall bear no responsibility for any damages incurred by the user due to information obtained from this website (including all data herein).
  • Further, this company shall bear no responsibility for damages incurred by the user due to not viewing or using the information presented on this website (including all data herein).

Regarding copyright

Unless otherwise expressly noted, all copyrights and other rights pertaining to the information presented on this website belong to this company. Users of this web site my duplicate the information herein only for non commercial purposes and when the purpose is legally determined to be for personal usage. However, all duplications of the information herein must be accompanied by the display of this company's copyright. Note, when separate usage restrictions are displayed for specific information, those restrictions take priority to the above conditions. With the exception of the above conditions, this website does not grant the user any rights or permissions regarding the intellectual property rights contained herein, including copyrights, patents, and trademarks.